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It was driving me nuts. I have an Evo 4G from Sprint. A few months ago I had bought an extended battery for it so that I wouldn't have to worry about battery life so much. It worked well. It probably ...
Hi everybody! As you've probably noticed, the blog's been a bit quiet as of late. I've been pretty swamped with some other projects, and I sadly just haven't had as much time to write about computers ...
One of the things I consistently notice amongst fellow internet users is that many people don't know how to properly search for stuff. Google may have served you well in the past, but I'm going to sha ...
a coworker has an hp laptop that on general use gets really hot and sometimes just shuts down. There has to be a pc laptop out there in the 14"-16" range that is always cool, regardless of time in use ...
Unless you avoid the news entirely, you've almost certainly heard about the hacking sprees that have been taking place over the past several weeks. Tens of thousands of usernames, passwords and email ...
Powering the internet requires energy like anything else—so just how much does the wired world suck down? ...
Yesterday, I got an email from my mom. She asked if there was a way to send her colleagues a bunch of links to online documents, rather than weighing down an email with attachments. I knew that Google ...
Produced for Australian TV show HungryBeast, "Anatomy of a Computer Virus" is an infographic-in-motion "dissecting the nature and ramifications of Stuxnet, the first weapon made entirely out of code." ...
I don't know what I'd do without my computer. I can't do my job without the internet. I communicate with employers, friends, and family through emails, video chat and Twitter. I schedule meetings and ...